PIXNIO / 40+ Water lily free photos Water lily free photos. Free for personal and commercial use. You can freely use any picture from this gallery. You are free to use the photos for personal or commercial use. Statue of a head of a Buddha with closed eyes surrounded by white lotus flowers A white buddha statue sitting next to a white lotus flower an illustration depicting Zen meditation Purple-pinkish water-lily flower in a pond (Nymphaea pubescens) White flower water lily on dark green leaves in pond Yellow flower bud of lotus water lily flower with dark green leaves Vibrant dark red water lily aquatic plant in flower garden photomontage Pretty water lily exotic flowers in flower garden pond Orange yellow water lily close-up of majestic flower Whangarei Quarry gardens lake subtropical oasis New Zealand aquatic plant, ecosystem, lotus, swamp, water lily, green leaves, aquatic, leaf, plant, water marshland, natural habitat, water lily, aquatic plant, aquatic, ecosystem, landscape, water, lake, land aquatic plant, ecosystem, aquatic, water lily, marshlands, landscape, park, tree, plant, wood green leaves, water lily, ecosystem, water system, plant, water, aquatic plant, nature, herb, leaf lotus, white flower, water lily, garden, nature, flower, pool, leaf, blossom, plant white flower, water lily, green leaves, waterlily, lotus, aquatic, pool, plant, flower, blossom water lily, white flower, leaves, blooming, green leaves, pond, lotus, aquatic plant, nature, aquatic exotic flower, leaf, nature, aquatic herb, blossom, plant, lotus, pink leaf, lotus, nature, water lily, flower, garden, summer, exotic herb leaf, lotus, lily pad flower, garden, nature, aquatic, flower, waterlily aquatic, nature, beautiful, flower, petal, lotus, lily pad flower, garden petal, garden, lotus, lily pad flower, leaf, summer, nature lotus, flower, summer, nature, leaf, petal leaf, flower, aquatic, lotus, waterlily aquatic, flower, lotus, exotic, nature, leaf, blossom flower, nature, lotus, blossom, pink, plant, aquatic summer, garden, lotus, leaf, nature, flower, pink, petal bud, flower, dew, water, wet, petal nature, leaf, herb, plant, summer, green, water, water lily nature, leaf, lotus flower, garden, summer, blooming, exotic flower frog, water, water lily, animal, lotus, head, eye, leaf, wetland next ›