PIXNIO / Science / Microscopy images / Malaria Plasmodium / histopathology, malaria, exoerythrocytic, forms, liver, parasite histopathology, malaria, exoerythrocytic, forms, liver, parasite Info Dr. Mae Melvin, USCDCP Free to use CC0 1050 × 711 JPGZoom in Report Free download Original(1050 × 711 JPG) Medium(725 × 491 JPG) Custom size width OR height DOWNLOAD Author:Dr. Mae Melvin, USCDCPLicense:Free to use CC0Tags: histopathology liver malaria parasit JPEG 0.7 MP Full color Album:Malaria PlasmodiumImage colors:#f0a0a0 #f0c0c0 #a04060 #f0e0c0 #c06080 #e08080 #f080a0 #f0c0a0 #804060Orientation: Landscape (cropped)Megapixels: 0.7 MPPIXNIOfree images: magnified, 1000x, blood smear, photomicrograph, erythrocytes, developing, plasmodium vivax, parasites infections, falciparum, progress, severe, potentially, fatal, forms, central, nervous, system, involvement infection, one, type, malaria, plasmodium falciparum, promptly, treated, may, kidney, failure thick, film, micrograph, elongated, artifact, spore, closely, resembles, falciparum, gametocyte, mag, 1125x developing, trophozoites, malariae, chromatin, streaky, cytoplasm, compact, vacuole immature, plasmodium malariae, schizont, display, four, cytoplasmic, chromatin, masses histopathology, malaria, pigment, brain, capillary histopathology, malaria, pigment, brain, capillaries micrograph falciparum, rings, growing, trophozoite, mag, 1125x blood smear, photomicrograph, plasmodium vivax, macrogametocyte, mag, 1250x hemo, protozoan, parasites, genus, babesia growing, plasmodium vivax, amoeboid, trophozoite, evidence, schuffners, dots growing, plasmodium malariae, trophozoite, stain, mag, 1125x growing, amoeboid, trophozoite, display, intracytoplasmic, schuffners, dots film, micrograph, plasmodium vivax, ring, schuffners, dots, stain, mag, 1125x erythrocytic, schizogony, parasites, undergo, asexual, multiplication, rbcs, erythrocytic, schizogony doubly, infection, oval, growing, two, ovale, trophozoites, single, growing, trophozoite developing, schizonts, vivax, large, amoeboid More info:Format:JPEGColor:Full colorPixels:746550 (≈0.7 MP)License:Free to use CC0Uploaded: 2016-08-10Image is in public domain, not copyrighted, no rights reserved, free for any use. You can use picture for any personal and commercial use without the prior written permission and without fee or obligation.