PIXNIO / Plants / Fruits / Lemons & limes100+ Lemons & limes free photos Lemons & limes free photos. Free for personal and commercial use. You can freely use any picture from this gallery. You are free to use the photos for personal or commercial use. A green citrus fruit (Citrus aurantiifolia), a citrus hybrid (C. hystrix × C. medica) Close-up of a cross section of a fresh lemon Organic ripe fruit lemon on branches with wet dark green leaves lemon, citrus, ripe fruit, wooden, box, organic, agriculture, food, produce, fruit yellowish, lemon, citrus, ripe fruit, fruit, products, organic, produce, healthy, food lemon, fruit tree, greenish yellow, organic, citrus, fruit, orchard, agriculture, food, nature lemon, organic, fruit, fruit tree, branch, food, citrus, healthy, produce, orange flower, flower bud, lemon, fruit tree, fruit, citrus, petal, spring, leaf, plant fruit tree, fruit, big, lemon, hanging, branchlet, ants, insect, food, produce citrus, lemon, fruit tree, fruit, leaf, produce, nature, food, outdoors, blur citrus, moisture, lemon, fruit, lime, raindrop, fruit tree, orchard, organic, fresh citrus, lemon, tropical, exotic, fruit tree, fruit, agriculture, close-up, raindrop, moisture citrus, lemon, lime, green leaves, raindrop, dew, branches, moisture, nature, fruit trees, lemon, fruit, fruit tree, close-up, agriculture, green leaves, branches, food, produce branches, lemon, organic, orchard, citrus, fruit tree, fruit, nature, leaf, food marketplace, lemon, boxes, wooden, wicker basket, citrus, fruit, leaf, food, produce organic, lemon, wicker basket, marketplace, products, merchandise, basket, citrus, produce, fruit fruit, fruit tree, lemon, nature, orchard, organic, tree, tropic, citrus, healthy aroma, bitter, branch, exotic, lime, ripe fruit, slice, spice, tropical, vitamin C ascorbic acid, bitter, citrus, exotic, lime, ripe fruit, slices, vitamin C, lemon, fruit next ›