PIXNIO / Animals / Insects and bugs / Butterflies and moths500+ Butterflies and moths free photos Butterflies and moths free photos. Free for personal and commercial use. You can freely use any picture from this gallery. You are free to use the photos for personal or commercial use. Monarch butterfly Swallowtail butterfly Uranid moth (Lyssa menoetius) The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum), a moth flying over purple wildflowers The marbled white butterfly (Melanargia galathea, familia Nymphalidae), a medium-sized butterfly on purple wildflower A brown moth insect on a green leaf of mentha herb, also known as mint plant (Mentha) Yellow butterfly hanging on a pinkish flower (Eurema blanda) Colorful tropical caterpillar a endemic species of in Ecuador Close-up of yellowish butterfly with closed wings on flowers (genus Enantia) Close-up of light brown butterfly (Actinote genitrix) Close-up of a yellow butterfly on a green leaf (Phoebis philea) Two yellowish-black themisto amberwing butterflies on a person’s finger (Methona themisto) Owl butterfly on a tree (Calligo memnon) Tropical themisto amberwing butterfly on a branch (Methona themisto) Owl butterfly (Calligo memnon) hanging from a leaf Butterfly with an interesting pattern on the wings (Hamadryas fornax) Themisto amberwing butterfly (Methona themisto) endemic species Malachite butterfly on a person’s hand (Siproeta stelenes) Malachite butterfly (Siproeta stelenes) Black morpho butterfly on a white surface Blue-black butterfly with damaged wing Bluish-grey butterfly (Hamadryas fornax) next ›