PIXNIO / Animals / Insects and bugs / Mosquito / culex quinquefasciatus, mosquito, proven, vector, associated, transmission, west, nile, virus culex quinquefasciatus, mosquito, proven, vector, associated, transmission, west, nile, virus Info James Gathany, William Brogdon, USCDCP Free to use CC0 3730 × 2478 JPGZoom in Report Free download Original(3730 × 2478 JPG) Medium(725 × 482 JPG) Custom size width OR height DOWNLOAD Author:James Gathany, William Brogdon, USCDCPLicense:Free to use CC0Tags: broadcast bug carrier macro mosquito virus west JPEG 9.2 MP Full color Album:MosquitoImage colors:#000000 #a06040 #c08060 #f0c0c0 #804040 #a06060 #c06060 #e0a080 #204020Orientation: Landscape (cropped)Megapixels: 9.2 MPPIXNIOfree images: mosquito, human macro, photograph, mosquito, human, finger high, definition, macro, insect, image, mosquito female, mosquito, insect, feeding, macro, photo details, macro, image, mosquito details, high, definition, photo, mosquito, human culex quinquefasciatus, mosquito, human, finger, details, macro, insect, image culex quinquefasciatus, mosquito, human, finger culex quinquefasciatus, mosquito, insect, macro, photo, insect, human, finger group, dead, adult, mosquitoes, scattered, uniformly, t, field, vector, control, study up-close, high, definition, image, anopheles gambiae, mosquito anopheles gambiae, mosquito, blood, meal, feeds, human, host macro, mosquito, inage, anopheles gambiae, feeding, skin female, anopheles gambiae, mosquito, feeding, details, high, definition, photo anopheles gambiae, mosquito, malaria, vector, parasite, disease up-close, details, macro, image, anopheles gambiae, mosquito, insect two, anopheles gambiae, mosquitoes, female, top, image, process, egg, laying mosquito, aedes japonicus, ochlerotatus japonicus, specimen, Notre Dame, colony More info:Format:JPEGColor:Full colorPixels:9242940 (≈9.2 MP)License:Free to use CC0Uploaded: 2016-08-17Image is in public domain, not copyrighted, no rights reserved, free for any use. You can use picture for any personal and commercial use without the prior written permission and without fee or obligation.