We encourage users to submit photos, please read the guidelines for submitting your images.

In order to provide better user experience and help users find best photos, we require that all photographers/creators follow general guidelines for uploading their images to our service.


Please,upload only photos/graphics which you have created yourself. We use a reverse image search as well as other information to check if the submitted image has been already published somewhere. Respect copyright and do not upload photos made by other photographers/creators.


Please do not upload any obvious spam, purely marketing material. We will not tolerate it, such content will not be published.

Unacceptable content

What is not allowed:
Adult, vulgar, racist, immoral or unlawful content. Please do not upload any photos that depicts any content that may be offending. We reserve the right to check content before publishing to see if it is suitable for distribution.

Photo(s) depicting any unacceptable content will not be published.

Low resolution photos/graphics

Image width should be at least 2000 pixels. It is recommended that the photo be larger than 8MP (megapixels). Please upload your photos in the highest resolution available. There is no maximum image resolution limit, you can even upload photos with 100MP resolution (although image file size should not be bigger than 50MB, per any individual photo file).

Pro tip
Upload photos in highest resolution & quality. When you save/export images choose low compression (best quality), and 300 DPI. Allowed file types are only: .jpg, .jpeg, .png.

Borders, frames or too strong vignette

Please do not add borders, frames or too strong vignette effect around your images.


Do not add visible timestamp over your photos (date and time when photo is taken). Please, do not enable timestamp in your camera settings (option to put visible watermark over your photo that shows date and time of capture).

Pro tip
You can keep EXIF info, which contain date and time when photo is taken. It will be kept in original size of photo you uploaded.

Watermarks over photo

Please do not add visual watermarks over image or placing any kind of text over image.

Pro tip
You can add any EXIF, IPTC metadata, such as: creator, credit, copyright, it will be kept in original size of uploaded photo. Please keep EXIF, IPTC metadata info, it can be useful to provide more info about image.

Over edited photos

Please try to keep natural look when edit your photos. If image looks over post-processed, it might be rejected. Examples of over edited photos can be: adding too much contrast, over saturation, over sharpening, unrealistic highlights…

Duplicate or very similar photos

Do not upload the same photo multiple times. Also pretty much same photos from slightly different angle might be rejected if we think they do not add anything new. Also, if you plan to submit same photos with different post processing, please make sure to every version brings some new perspective or new point of view.

Unclear main subject & distracting objects

Every image should have clear subject or theme. A submitted photo can be rejected if there is no clear subject, or if contains unnecessary distraction objects. Examples can be many, from tourists on photo to many other things.

Improper orientation/alignment & uneven horizon

The orientation of the photos should be correct. Also, please make sure that the horizon on photos is horizontal (especially if you photograph landscapes or cityscapes), and that photo is properly aligned (both horizontally and vertically).

Pro tip
Enable photo grids (usually 3×3 grid) within the camera settings. Photo grid will help you easily align your photo, both horizontally and vertically, also it will help you make your photos with rule of thirds in mind.

Improper image lighting & exposition

Please make sure your images are not too bright or too dark. Images with improper lighting conditions, as well as overexposed or underexposed images may be rejected.

Blurry images & poor focus

Please make sure your photo is properly sharp with clear focus on subject. Unwanted blur on image can be reason your photo is rejected.

Noisy images & chromatic aberration

Avoid uploading unintentionally noisy images. Unwanted pixelation, obvious chromatic aberration or compression defects of photo can be reason your photo is rejected.

Unwanted reflections

Avoid unintentional reflections on your photos. Reflections may come from many things: glossy objects, from Sun (Sun glare), lens flare…

Pro tip
To avoid unwanted reflections and glare shows on your photos you can use a polarizer filter and lens hood. Also in most cases is enough just to change your position while making photograph. If unwanted reflections occur you can also remove it in photo post-processing.

Low quality & lack of effort

Sometimes your images may be rejected even if they pass all of the above criteria, but appear to have been taken effortlessly or generally represent poor quality photography. We reserves the right to reject some photos if we believe they represent lack of effort and low quality.

Selfies & low quality personal photos

We will accept selfies & personal/portrait photos only if they are top quality. Low quality selfies or group photos of people in their daylight activities will not be published (such as photos you normally upload to your social media).

Content already published on stock photo website(s)

If we find that the same photo you uploaded is already published on some website(s) (especially on paid stock photo website) we may reject that photo because we don’t want to confuse our users (for an example, if someone search for images on the internet and find the same photo on paid stock photo website and on our free website too, that user might be confused).
Even if you have right to publish your image on other site, it is at our discretion not to publish the same photo on our site.

Please note:
In some cases we may tolerate and publish photos even if we think they are less than perfect. Even if we ask you to upload images in highest resolution & quality, with at least 8MP, photos can be published even if they are lower resolution & quality. Also, if you submit a few very similar images, they can all be published. Also, images can be published with less than perfect focus, or with some chromatic aberration. In those cases you just may see that photo is tagged with appropriate tag(s): low resolution, duplicate, improper alignment, improper lighting, blurry, noisy, unwanted reflections.

We will not tolerate: copyright issues, spam, watermarks, timestamps or any unacceptable content!